Philosophical Framework

Vision Statement
A well-established Institute entrenched in the development and promotion of Indigenous Knowledge and Culture locally, nationally, regionally and internationally.

Mission Statement
To be an Institute of Excellence towards attaining the globally important multidisciplinary niche in Indigenous Knowledge and Cultural Studies for sustainable development.

Strategic Objectives

1. Creating internal and external linkages with various schools and researchers through relevant SDGs in addressing matters relevant to local and indigenous knowledge systems.
2. Develop and strengthen academic and research programs that support local and indigenous knowledge systems.
3. Support the growth of semi-autonomous academic and research centres of excellence dealing in local and indigenous knowledge systems
4. Stimulate research and innovations by mobilizing development of research concepts and proposals in local and indigenous knowledge systems for internal and external funding.
5. Promote publishing of research articles within the field of local and indigenous knowledge systems in reputable journals.
6. Promote the adoption of the concept ‘local and indigenous knowledge systems’ and associated terms in publications and other activities to harness the achievement of the niche area.
7. Conduct community outreach activities related to local and indigenous knowledge systems including tapping and advancing indigenous knowledge.
8. Develop interest of researchers and students in local and indigenous knowledge systems for conservation and environmental protection.
9. Develop scholarship and career pathways for students pursuing fields related to local and indigenous knowledge systems.
10. Develop and maintain online databases of items related local and indigenous knowledge systems so as to improve webometrics ranking.
11. Harness indigenous knowledge and culture for a sustainable tourism industry
12. Generate and collate information on indigenous knowledge and culture for education and development.
13. Create awareness through research and trainings on the importance of indigenous knowledge and culture.
14. Promote indigenous knowledge and culture for social re-engineering for improved livelihoods.
15. Promote indigenous knowledge and culture for cultural heritage, identity and actualization as human beings.
16. Mobilize resources for sustainability of the institute of indigenous knowledge and cultural studies.


Contact Us

Institute of Indigenous Knowledge and Cultural Studies (IIKCS)

P. O. Box 190 - 50100

Kakamega, Kenya

Telephone: (056) 30282 Fax No: (056) 30153