Areas of Focus

Key Areas of Focus

a. Research Focus:
• Indigenous Education
• Biodiversity and natural resources
• Recreation, Indigenous sports, games and dance
• Indigenous foods, food production, nutrition and food security
• Indigenous Religion, Philosophy and Values
• Indigenous Medicines
• Indigenous languages
• Endangered languages, oral traditions and rites
• Culture and cultural artifacts
• Indigenous technology and Trade
• Indigenous architecture and fashion
• Indigenous innovations such as rainmaking/rain stopping
• History of the communities, tribe, clans and places
• Indigenous governance, policy design and implementation
• Indigenous Justice System

b. Proposed Activities
• Research, Training and Documentation
• Collaboration and linkages
• Publications
• Short courses
• Conferences, Workshops and Seminars
• Resource mobilization
• Community Outreach
• Cultural Events and festivals
• Cultural eatery points
• Public lectures
• Patenting, Intellectual Property Rights and Incubation of ideas
• Consultancy
• Create a museum
• Local and International cultural tours
• Popularize cultural sites
• Cultural exchange

Contact Us

Institute of Indigenous Knowledge and Cultural Studies (IIKCS)

P. O. Box 190 - 50100

Kakamega, Kenya

Telephone: (056) 30282 Fax No: (056) 30153